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Dear Sisters,

Updated: Jun 13

You are deserving of a love like His. A love that calls us children, chosen ones, his own. A love that redefines the ones we once knew, the conditional kind. His love is patient, kind, everlasting, and divine. His “I love you” was giving us Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Reading this, I’m sure you’re probably wondering, ain’t nobody dying for me, and that’s true, only one who will and has already done that, His name is Jesus. So hear me out.

For those of us who grew up watching Disney or any cartoon movie, we believe in love and that it’s an experience we want to partake in. Unfortunately, few of us may have passed through a reduced standard of love that God desires of us. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word”. Therefore, understand that the standard of God’s love is for you. A sacrificial love is a love that protects, covers, cleanses, and uplifts. 

I used to believe that love was earned, that love was to be deserved. I must first work for it to get it. I was used to conditional love that was given as a positive reinforcement. This was a norm, so to now view myself in God's eyes and believe I deserved His love was a new phenomenon. I’ve experienced spiritual love, erotic love, and familial love, but they all had restrictions. I never knew that I could be loved like this, the way God loves me; I see it in my community, I see it in my place of work, every aspect of life. I know the abundance God gave through Christ, and it all stemmed from love. His love is perfect. 

As a daughter of The King, raise your standard of love. Sister, raise that standard from the floor and know who you are. You are a child of the most High God—the King of Kings. Your father loved you so much that he went to great lengths to show you. Don’t accept anything mediocre that is not in His will for you. 

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