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Dear Sisters


How are we doing? As we enter August, I want to remind you to continue evolving and glowing into the woman you envision. Life grants us the freedom to become who we want to be. While we may encounter external limitations that seem to hinder our growth, the only true limitation lies within our mindset. The moment we impose limitations on our minds, we start living them out. Have you ever told yourself, "I can’t get that body," or "I can’t become a gym girlie"? Have you ever capped yourself financially, thinking you cannot achieve financial freedom or set up a business? Let me tell you something: you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). You are more than capable of achieving anything in this life, but your mindset must change.


The version of yourself that you envision operates differently. What are her standards? What are her goals? What are her thought patterns? Emulate them. Become the woman you envision by making room in your mind for her. Consider the daily habits she maintains to stay productive.


Heading into summer, I had one physical goal: to move more. So, I joined the other sisters in the HOT GIRL WALK group chat on Instagram for accountability. It started with missing days and doing it twice a week. My aim wasn’t even to hit 10K steps a day; it was just to move more. I used to be a gym girlie, but I wanted to incorporate nature and exercise into my daily routine, so joining the group made sense. I can now say that throughout July, I averaged 10K steps a day. I had to convince myself that I was capable of exercising every day. I did it! You must win your mind to win physically. There is power in conquering your mind's limits and submitting them to prayer. I have been very intentional about praying about the areas I struggle with. As we start a new month, set your mind straight by reading the Word, and write down the vision and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2). You are able to do all things; there are no limitations God has placed on you!


I pray that as you enter the month of August, you embrace a mindset that conquers every obstacle. I pray that as you seek Him, you find Him waiting for you. I pray that you overcome limitations and begin to declare changes in your life. Speak the changes you want to see, write them down, pray over them, and act on them. You can do all things through Christ. Don’t forget that.


With love and blessings,


Janet Blessing

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