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Embracing the Wait: Trusting in God's Timing

Updated: Jun 17

In life, we often find ourselves in seasons of waiting—waiting for a dream to come true, a promise to be fulfilled, or a prayer to be answered. These periods can become incredibly challenging, filled with uncertainty and longing. However, there is profound beauty in embracing the wait, holding on to faith, and surrendering to the belief that everything will happen in God's perfect timing. Let’s delve into what it feels like to be in such a season and explore how active waiting can transform our experience.

The Struggle of Waiting

Waiting for God's promises to unfold can feel like standing at the edge of an unknown future, longing for a glimpse of what lies ahead. The anticipation can be both exciting and daunting. You may feel a mix of hope and frustration, trust and doubt. It's a time when your faith is tested, and your patience stretched. Girl, breathe, through it all one thing remains the same... the word He's spoken over your life will never return void. Don't let your thoughts and the voices in your head deceieve you into thinking otherwise.

Song of Solomon 8:4: A Lesson in Patience

Song of Solomon 8:4 says, "I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please." This verse beautifully captures the essence of waiting with patience and trust. It reminds us that there is a divine timing for everything, and rushing or forcing outcomes can lead to less than what God has planned for us. We have hope in what God knows about us and what He has in store for us. While we can only see what's in front of us, our Heavenly Father sees beyond. As such, He prepares us and protects us from what we may think we want or are ready for. Do you believe He knows better than you? If so, it'd be best advised you let Him do what He does best.

Holding on to Faith

In these seasons of waiting, faith becomes our anchor. Can I keep it a buck? This is so much easier said than done. It's one thing to know you're waiting on God, but what happens when you find yourself in a season where everyone around you has the one thing you're praying for? What happens when you become overwhelmed by loneliness, fear, or anxious thoughts that what you're praying for may never come? Trusting in God's promises and His perfect timing requires us to let go of our desire for control and surrender to His will. This surrender is not about giving up but about trusting that God is working behind the scenes, orchestrating events in our favor. Cause can you name a time He didn't ever pull through? That's what I thought. So if you know He's done it before, trust that He'll do it again. Just don't go looking for Him where you did before. He's doing a new thing.

The Power of Active Waiting

Active waiting is about engaging in life fully while trusting that God's promises will manifest at the right time. It's a shift from a passive stance—where waiting feels like a helpless pause—to an active approach, where you continue to grow, learn, and thrive during the wait. This mindset shift transforms the experience of waiting from one of frustration and stagnation to one of opportunity and purpose.

What Active Waiting Looks Like:

  • Use this time to develop new skills, pursue hobbies, or further your education. Personal growth not only enriches your life but also prepares you for the blessings to come.

  • Invest in your relationships with family, friends, and your community. Strengthening these bonds can provide support and joy during your waiting period.

  • Deepen your relationship with God through prayer, meditation, and studying the scriptures. This spiritual growth can provide peace and strengthen your faith.

  • Engage in acts of service and kindness. Helping others can bring fulfillment and a sense of purpose, making the wait more meaningful.

Reflecting on God’s Timing

Consider the stories of biblical figures who waited on God's timing—Abraham and Sarah waited for a child, Joseph waited for his dreams to come true, and Moses led his people through the wilderness. Their stories teach us that waiting is an integral part of God's plan, shaping our character and preparing us for greater things.

Imagine how your life could shift if you embraced active waiting instead of passively enduring it. What if, instead of feeling stuck, you saw this season as an opportunity for growth and preparation? By actively engaging in life, you not only make the wait more bearable but also position yourself to receive God's promises with open arms and a prepared heart.

Embracing the wait is about trusting in God's timing and making the most of the present moment. It’s about finding peace in the uncertainty and joy in the journey. By shifting from passive to active waiting, we transform our experience, allowing us to grow and thrive while we wait for God's promises to unfold.

Watch our podcast episode on Embracing The Wait

We want to hear from you, sis!

We’d love to hear your stories and tips on embracing the wait. Share your experiences in the comments. I know I can't can't be out here by myself... what are you waiting on God for? Reflect on what might change in your life if you started to wait actively, and consider how you can implement this mindset shift today.

Embrace the wait, trust in God's timing, and discover the beauty and growth that come from active waiting.

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