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The Make-or-break Moment: To Say Yes To Your Calling

God was calling me I was ignoring. That’s as simple as…

No that’s not the end of this post hehe. Me ending the story there would be like winning a battle against myself. Like the Carters say “nobody wins when the family feuds”. If I am battling God I’m ultimately battling myself.

So let me really start this blog... I’ve always wanted to do YouTube since I was at university but I’ll be honest my style of content was definitely not to win hearts for Christ. More around the area of food and lifestyle content. This is primarily due to my fears of people and what they would think. So, I never started it.

But it always lingered in the back of my mind. That one thing I failed to do. I was living in my break moment. I would often think about being 30 and having never started because of a fear of failure.

When my relationship with Christ began developing it felt as if I wasn’t answerable to just myself anymore and I had to go before God with an explanation for my failure to launch. He started redirecting my passions and my why. No longer did I want to do food content and lifestyle content but I wanted to produce videos that helped people. Specifically in areas of their faith and bridging the gap into their ordinary life.

Essentially, I wanted to show people the Bible is the best self-help book you can read. It is alive and changes lives.

This leads me to now where I am not battling fears of posting but issues with consistency. God has shown me grace but now I understand what I’ve been called to extends further than me. This motivates.

I’m living in my make moment because I refuse like Esther to allow God to skip over me. So I have to say yes every day.

To the girlie pops reading this and going through a similar thing. I want to tell you to not listen to your thoughts. We can be our worst enemies constantly telling ourselves that we are not enough. I tell you this with all honesty, there is something special and unique that God has placed in each and every single one of you that cannot be mimicked. Whether there are a million people speaking about the same thing and doing the same thing, your voice matters and needs to be heard, you craft matters and needs to be seen. Allow God to show you who you are. Trust me it’s a journey but one that you won’t regret starting.


Mercy Machekanyanga

Sis, want to dive deeper into Mercy's journey of faith and purpose? Check out the video below! 🎥

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