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Let's Glow Up, Sis: Your Support System in Walking in your Purpose & Living Out Your Purpose

Hey sister friend,

Welcome to a space that I hope to cultivate for you, for me, and for women like us.

I have dreamt up what this space might look like for a very long time. In some ways, I scared myself out of creating this space because of one reason: fear. In going through the hills and valleys of life, writing a personal blog, and then publishing my first book, and thereafter creating my podcast The Glow Up, later rebranded to Glow Up Sis, I began to pick up essential tools to walk in purpose and trust the word that had been spoken over my life. I decided it could not end there. I need to take what I know and begin to equip any woman who’s ready to go.

I’ve seen women band together and support each other come up with revolutionary ideas. As women we’re a force on our own, but when we come together and build each other up we have what it takes to set this world ablaze and shift the way things are done. When we give ourselves room to be unconventional, yet relevant, we come up with the kind of ingenuity that invades culture and demands that heaven meet earth in spaces we’ve never seen it done before.

In a day and age where we are bombarded with imagery, words, stories, and jilted versions of what’s real and what’s not it becomes very easy to become influenced by the world around us. I believe that when one woman gets the revelation of the power, the creativity, the fierceness, the intelligence, the ingenuity, and most of all the light that she can bring to the table—everyone connected to her is transformed as a result.

When we hear the term glow up used in culture, we assume it’s referring to the outer. When a woman experiences a glow up, she’s had a makeover: she looks and feels better. That’s great and we want to feel confident in our skin, but how would it impact our sphere of influence if our glow up meant that we’ve evolved, we’ve grown, we’re glowing from the inside out… and we’re going back to grab another woman. We’re going back for our sisters and carrying each other through the journey as we continue to become the version of ourselves that need to be to serve this season.

For me, it’s been a journey in finding my footing and understanding that another woman’s shine won’t dim my light. And as much as I initially hated to admit it, another woman’s win doesn’t take a single thing away from me. With that revelation however, I’ve been able to adopt the mindset that encourages other women, speaks life to them, prays over them, and stand in their corner cheering them on.

So sister, it’d be my pleasure to be a part of your journey as we go out into the world and be a light, come back to get more ladies, and then some. I’m not sure what part of your journey you currently find yourself in. I don’t know what your goals and aspirations are. I don’t know what it cost you to get to this point. But what I do know, is you’ve just gained a new sister. And I won’t quit until we’ve built an army that will go out into the world and make a difference.

We will make a difference through our gifts, through our separate talents and the enormous amount of creativity at our fingertips. This is our season to come out of hiding, to shed away the timidness and fear. God’s doing a new thing—He’s going to show up in a new way. Don’t miss how He moves.

Let’s glow up, sis.

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